#1 selling washing machine cleaner** and dishwasher cleaner tablet*** in Canada
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Dishwaser Cleaner Tablets Pouch - 3 Count
Washing Machine Cleaner Tablets Pouch - 3 Count
Cooktop Cleaner - 284g
® / ™ © 2025. Used under license in Canada. All Rights Reserved.
*affresh® products and the recommending brands’ products are all owned and distributed by Whirlpool Corporation.
This merchant is located in Canada at 200-6750 Century Avenue, Mississauga, ON L5N 0B7
#1 selling washing machine cleaner in Canada* *Based on unit sales. Whirlpool calculation based in part on data reported by NIQ through its Markettrack for the descaler products category, for the 52 weeks ending June 1, 2024 for the National excl Nfld All Channels, according to the NIQ standard product hierarchy. Copyright ©2024, Nielsen Consumer LLC.
#1 selling dishwasher cleaner tablet in Canada* *Based on unit sales. Whirlpool calculation based in part on data reported by NIQ through its Markettrack for the dishwasher products category capsule/tablet for the 52 weeks ending June 1, 2024 for the National excl Nfld All Channels, according to the NIQ standard product hierarchy. Copyright ©2024, Nielsen Consumer LLC.